Lainey Writes

An occasional diary of my attempts to finish my first novel and become a published and paid author.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Lamenting Visitors

Okay, I am ready for visitors. I'm going to email the link to Lainey Writes to a few friends and have them forward it to anyone they think might be interested. Please feel free to do the same. I'm hoping for some good feedback.

Anyone out there been to any major writer's conferences? I'm debating attending one or two. There's one every summer near my home in Ohio,but it costs a lot. I'm looking at the Back Space Conference in NY (see link). Sorry really great writers will be presenting, including Lee Childs and J.A. Konrath. I'd like to hear if you think in general they're worth the bucks.


  • At 4:04 PM, Blogger Mindy Tarquini said…

    Hi Lainey! Pleased to meet you. Welcome to the blogging world. I've been to a few conferences, the SCWC, and the OWFI (I won a prize at that one). I'm going to Thrillerfest at the end of June. From a personal learning standpoint, I got more out of SCWC then OWFI, but I got excellent feedback froma bunch of entries in a writing contest at OWFI. I got a lot of good feedback from SCWC and did meet some people there.

    It depends what you want out of a conference. For me, most valuable have been the read and critique sessions. You do get a chance to introduce yourself to agents, that's what they are there for, but mostly you'll be collecting cards. You'll meet other writers, both published and unpublished. I preferred meeting them in the read and critique sessions though, because everybody was working. If budget is an issue, you might want to look for local writing groups in your area, see if you can hook up with local writers. Nothing beats a good critique group and a group whose shoulders you can cry on when you have to.

    Check your library, and the local bookstores for groups like that. Sometimes reading circles can point you to a writing circle.

  • At 4:27 PM, Blogger Erik Ivan James said…

    Hello Lainey and welcome. The comments above are from a person to listen to as well as the others she links with. Follow M.G. around and you will learn a ton and meet a lot of nice bloggerpeople.

  • At 1:32 AM, Blogger Confessions of a Starving Mystery Writer said…

    I am going this one in Chicago in a couple weeks.

    Joe Konrath will be at this one. Jeffery Deavers and a few other good authors.

    Check it out at


  • At 1:35 AM, Blogger Confessions of a Starving Mystery Writer said…

    Sorry, I just checked Deavers isn't going to be at that one he's at another David Morrell the creater of Rambo will be there.


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