Lainey Writes

An occasional diary of my attempts to finish my first novel and become a published and paid author.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

69 Addiction

Iwoke this morning, with another 69 word story burning in my brain. I wonder how many of these I need to finish a novel? Here goes:

Bit by Bit

She chewed mechanically, bits of bland sustenance. The priest told her that forgiveness was instantaneous, but the memory would fade bit by bit.

She could no longer see the curve of his bicep, the arch of his back. But try as she might, she could not forget the unrelenting gaze of his eyes, staring at her as she looked down.

The last bit of memory caught in her throat.


  • At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is addicting isn't it? I found myself jotting them all day yesterday when I was supposed to be working.

  • At 11:24 PM, Blogger Laini Taylor said…

    Hi Lainey! My husband just found your site through Jamie Ford's links and showed me. I'm a writer named Laini too! I'm always hearing about other Lainies folks have known, but haven't actually met another since preschool. So, hi! As for writing, I finished my first novel recently -- it's the first in a middle grade/YA fantasy series. I also write something I call "tiny stories" that are a combo of my art & writing, and a nice break from the big unruly world of my novel. Another blog friend and I have recently started a site called "Sunday Scribblings" to start a small on-line writers community, and we're having fun with it, if you want to peek in and see if it interests you (linked through my site). I'll check back here. Nice to meet you!

  • At 10:03 AM, Blogger Buffy said…

    Loved the last line.


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